What are the signs of sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep. Because this occurs when the person is asleep, many do not realize they even have sleep apnea.

Jeuveau Newtox: The New Botox

When it comes to maintaining aging skin, Botox is likely what most think of to turn back the clock on aging. Although Botox is effective in erasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, it can come with a hefty price point. The good news is that other products are on the market, which also are highly effective at improving the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles and at a more affordable price. One of these products is Jeuveau Newtox.

What is the New Botox?

Jeuveau Newtox is marketed as the new Botox, and its parent company announced plans to keep its products affordable. Because wrinkle relaxers largely work in the same way, price can have a lot of influence over what product someone chooses. This makes Jeuveau rise above the rest as it is priced more affordably than other wrinkle relaxers on the market.

While Botox is FDA-approved for medical treatments such as migraine relief in addition to cosmetic use, Jeuveau Newtox is approved by the FDA for cosmetic use only at this time, making Botox still FDA-approved for more areas of the face. Just like Botox and other injectable wrinkle releasers, Jeuveau is injected in the face to stop the muscle contractions that form wrinkles. It also can prevent new lines from forming in addition to smoothing out old lines which usually deepen over time.  

Is Jeuveau Newtox for Me?

Even if you use Botox now, you can switch to Jeuveau. The two products are extracted from the same type of bacteria and both work as a neuromodulator to reduce wrinkles by relaxing the muscles to smooth out the skin. Jeuveau Newtox has the benefit of the newest technology and methods of creation that were not available when Botox began to gain popularity.

Nonsurgical treatments like Jeuveau are a great option for those looking to take years off their appearance. Lines and wrinkles in the face can leave people feeling like they look old, tired, or even angry, becoming a serious source of discomfort. Talk to your doctor today to see if Jeuveau is right for you.

The most natural way to fill facial volume loss

The Most Natural Way to Get Face Fillers

As part of the natural aging process, hollow areas, wrinkles, and lines on the face begin to appear as the skin’s collagen production slows down, and the face experiences a loss of fat. The fat lost in the face can result in a loss of facial volume and sagging skin. Most facial rejuvenation is performed with hyaluronic acid fillers (Juvederm and Restylane) or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse).

Face fillers are rapidly gaining visibility both online and off, but not all fillers work the same. The most common fillers are based on hyaluronic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in our bodies.  This type of filler lasts six months to a year.  For those looking for a more permanent solution, the best treatment for restoring lost facial volume is fat grafting to the face. 

In fact, your own body fat is the safest, most natural filler material available.  In addition to its compatibility with the tissues being replenished, fat that is harvested from your own body has a regenerative effect on the surrounding tissues due to stem cells and increased blood flow that accompany fat transfer.  As a bonus, your physician can extract the stem cells in your fat during transfer for use as a skin collagen rejuvenator.

Read more: How Much Are Fillers? Learn How Can You Save Money

How Fat Grafting Works

Fat grafting, or a fat transfer, is the process of extracting fact from one part of the body and then using this fat as a filler for another.  It can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, add volume and rejuvenation to the face to add volume, definition, and contouring.  While fat transfer can be used in any part of the face, cheeks, and under-eye area get the most benefit from this miraculous filler.  

This procedure is typically performed with liposuction techniques done by your plastic surgeon, that remove only the necessary amount of fat from your body’s natural storage areas which is then re-injected into areas that require more volume.  

  • 1.     Usually, fat is transferred from the abdomen, inner thighs, or inner knees.  Liposuction involves making small incisions in the skin and using a tube to remove fat from the body.
  • 2.     These fat stores are then purified and readied to be injected back into your body.
  • 3.     From here, your doctor injects the fat into the cheeks, under-eye area, nasolabial folds, temporal area, and around the chin. Fat fillers can also be transferred to areas such as the hands, buttocks, or breasts.

Read more: What is submental liposuction and how does it work?

There are a few risks to be mindful of when considering fat transfer surgery. Fat grafting procedures sometimes involve surgery with anesthesia since fat grafting requires fat removal surgery on another part of the body.  Because of this, a longer downtime is associated with fat grafting. There may be more swelling and bruising than with hyaluronic acid fillers.  Additionally, there can be differences between patients that can make the survival of fat quite variable.  For this reason, Dr. Fisher schedules fat graft touch-ups as a maintenance for this procedure to ensure that there is enough volume for the intended results.  

The Benefits of Fat Injections

Fat from this kind of procedure is considered ideal filler material for several reasons.  First, it replaces tissue like itself.  Not only does fat restore lost volume in your face, but the fat filler becomes a living tissue in your face. This gives it a long-lasting result that cannot be obtained with other fillers like hyaluronic acid.

Because the fat is harvested from your own body, fat transfers allow for the opportunity for you to remove stubborn areas of fat deposits from your body.  Fat transfer also requires your body to “accept” and feed the transferred fat.  This results in an overall increase in the blood flow of the surrounding tissues, restoring vital nutrients and improving the appearance of the overlying skin.  And don’t forget the stem cells!  Fat tissue comes with “adipose derived stem cells” that can be further purified and injected to improve other aspects of aging in your skin.

Many people are unhappy with the signs of aging and are looking for a solution to restore a plump and smooth look to their skin. For those who are looking for a boost in confidence and a boost in facial volume, fat grafting can be a great treatment option. Because it uses your body’s own fat, it is a natural way to achieve smooth skin that looks and feels great.

How to Fix a Deviated Septum

A deviated septum can not only result in difficulty breathing through the nostrils but also cause symptoms such as sinus infections, nosebleeds, and more.

Say Goodbye to Sagging Jowls with Profound RF

If you experience sagging jowls and they cause you to feel uncomfortable or lower your self-esteem, talk to your doctor about options to help. One of these options is Profound RF. Profound RF is a treatment option which can reduce the appearance of sagging jowls.

How the ClariFix Procedure Works

People who suffer from rhinitis are used to symptoms such as sinus swelling, seasonal and returning allergies, congestion, and decreased airflow through the nose. Fortunately, there is a treatment available for rhinitis called the ClariFix procedure.

Treating Nasal Valve Collapse

LATERA is an FDA-approved absorbable nasal implant, which keeps the nasal passageway open and prevents the nasal valve from collapsing.

Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty

If you want to change how your nose looks, nonsurgical rhinoplasty might be the treatment for you. Keep reading to learn more.

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