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Can a Balloon Sinuplasty Help with My Breathing Issues?

balloon sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is a procedure that can help many who experience breathing issues, but it is not recommended for everyone. A CT scan will often be performed to ensure this is the right procedure to help with a person’s specific breathing issues. Let’s explore which conditions this procedure can help with. 

What breathing issues can balloon sinuplasty help with?

Because balloon sinuplasty works on the sinus area specifically, it helps in situations where the sinuses are the culprit of breathing issues. For instance, it can help patients with chronic sinusitis. This is a condition in which a person has chronic sinus infections and can typically be treated by balloon sinuplasty. 

Read more: Get Rid of Sinus Pressure Fast

How does balloon sinuplasty work?

A quick explanation of this procedure can help you better understand why it works for some while others may require different treatment for their breathing issues. A balloon sinuplasty is an in-office procedure that involves inserting a tool that inflates and widens the sinus cavities. This helps fluids drain better and get clogged less. 

Who is a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty?

Someone who is a good candidate will have a mild form of chronic sinusitis. They should not have any nasal polyps, (although these can often be removed at the same time, as Balloon Sinuplasty) or other obstructions. Also, they must be able to tolerate the local anesthesia necessary for the procedure. 

Read more: Can balloon sinuplasty fix a deviated septum?

What are some other procedures that can help with breathing problems? 

Septoplasty/rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty is surgery on the nose, while a septoplasty concentrates on the septum (the portion of your nose that divides your two nostrils). When a septum is not even (called a deviated septum), it can cause breathing issues. A septoplasty repositions the septum, allowing for better breathing. A rhinoplasty may help as well, especially after a nose injury. 

Read more: Does a sinus infection cause dizziness? 

Cryotherapy: If your breathing issues are accompanied by a chronically runny nose, cryotherapy can help.

Endoscopic sinus surgery: This is an option for those who have chronic sinusitis but don’t otherwise qualify as a candidate for balloon sinuplasty. This procedure can also be done in-office. 

LATERA: These bioabsorbable implants are inserted into the nostrils and help hold the nasal passageways open in those with narrow nostrils.

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