Botox has been in use since 1989. First used by ophthalmologists to help with issues such as blepharospasms (eye twitches), it soon became popular as a cosmetic treatment, and is now regularly used as an anti-wrinkle treatment, among other medical applications. In cosmetic usage, it helps to reduce the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles by immobilizing the muscles responsible for wrinkle formation. In this blog we’ll discuss how exactly Botox works, and what areas Botox can be used on.
How does Botox work?
To understand where Botox can be used, it’s first important to understand how it works. When it comes to wrinkles, there are two types: dynamic wrinkles and static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles can be present even from a relatively young age, long before static wrinkles develop. These wrinkles include forehead lines and crinkles around the eyes when smiling. However, these “wrinkles” disappear when the face is at rest. After many years of these superficial lines bending the skin, real creases begin to show in the skin, and these are fine lines and wrinkles. These lines are static wrinkles…wrinkles that are present even when the face is relaxed.
Botox works by immobilizing muscles responsible for the formation of these dynamic wrinkles (which eventually would become static fine lines and wrinkles). So Botox is a form of preventive treatment in a way in that it can prevent static wrinkles from worsening, or even from forming in the first place.
Where can it be used?
Botox is used in the places where major dynamic wrinkles form. These are places where a lot of movement occurs. Forehead lines are one of the most popular places to get Botox. It can also help the “eleven lines” that show up between your eyebrows when you furrow your brows. Moving downwards, Botox is also very commonly used for crow’s feet near the eyes, and “bunny lines” on the nose (lines that show up when scrunching your nose). Botox can also be used around the mouth to reduce the appearance of “lipstick lines.”
Besides wrinkle treatment, this substance has a few other cosmetic applications. It can be strategically injected around the lip edges to create lift at the corners. Similarly, injected near the edges of the eyes it can give a lifted appearance to the eyebrows. It can also be used in the jawline to soften the appearance of a square jaw.
Looking to reap some of the many benefits of Botox. Go to a doctor with extensive experience and training in giving an aesthetic, natural look. Learn more here.