Turn Back the Clock: Neck Lifts

neck lift procedure

A neck lift can turn back the clock about 10 years on the jawline, neck, and under the chin. It can make a huge difference in the appearance of the face and perceived age of a person. As a plastic surgeon who has performed countless neck lifts for many happy patients, I’ve compiled a list of questions I often get asked by patients considering a neck lift.

How Long Does a Neck Lift Last?

Like similar lift procedures, a neck lift is considered permanent. The improvements made with a neck lift do not need additional upkeep every few months (as would be the case with Botox or fillers, for example). However, with time, the aging process will mean further sagging and wrinkles will occur. Patients are often very happy with their results for at least 10 years, after which they may wish to have another neck lift done to target any newly incurred signs of aging.

Is a Neck Lift Painful?

The procedure is done under anesthesia, so you will feel nothing. You may experience some pain during the healing process; however, you will be prescribed medication to prevent pain and discomfort. 

Some numbness, bruising, swelling, and tightness can be expected after a neck lift but will likely fade within 2-3 months after your surgery. Patients often have a surgical drain along with the use of a compression garment to alleviate this. Dr. Edmund Fisher is very thorough with his instructions and will let you know how to care for your surgical site and drains properly. It can take several weeks or months for the swelling to subside and the full results of the neck lift to be seen. This is why it’s important to have realistic expectations and a positive attitude, as it does take time to recover fully from the surgery. However, you can anticipate returning to your work in 2 weeks.

Who Is Not a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

A neck lift tightens up the area around the neck and below the chin. A neck lift is ideal for those with sagging skin and wrinkles in these areas. 

What Is the Best Age To Get a Neck Lift?

The best age to get a neck lift differs from person to person, and there is not really an “ideal” age. There are many factors that come into play such as genetics and exposure to things that can accelerate aging, like the sun. In general, however, many people who seek out a neck lift tend to be in their mid-40s and up. Those who are younger may desire one just to tighten things up a bit. If in doubt, a consultation can help you decide if it’s right for you or if something more conservative can help you achieve the look you desire.

What Are Some Non-Surgical Neck Lift Alternatives?

If it’s recommended that you wait to undergo surgery (perhaps your signs of aging in the area are not that severe yet) or you decide to go a non-surgical route, you have several options. PDO thread lifts are bioabsorbable threads that, when injected through the skin and pulled up, lift the skin as well. These can be placed in the jawline area. Another option is Profound RF. It is perhaps the most powerful option besides surgery. Utilizing radio frequency and microneedling, it helps tighten skin.
If you are considering a neck lift, call our office to schedule a consultation. Dr. Edmund Fisher has performed many neck lifts and can help you determine if you are a good candidate for one. You can learn more about this procedure here.

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