The Pillar Procedure

Surgical Procedure

What is the Pillar Procedure?

Snoring is a noise made by the vibration of tissue in the upper airway, i.e., your mouth, nose and the back of your throat. Try this: Tilt your head back, open your mouth and pretend that you’re gargling. Feel that flutter at the back of your throat? That’s your soft palate, which is believed to be a significant contributor for the 80% or more of people who can’t stop snoring.

The Pillar Procedure. The first step toward better sleep.

The soft palate is almost always involved in chronic snoring, but there may be other factors as well, such as blockage of the nasal airway, tonsils and adenoids. Ask your doctor to examine all parts of your upper airway and assess if your soft palate is contributing to your snoring. If your soft palate is a factor, the Pillar Procedure may be an effective treatment option for you, because it stiffens the soft palate to reduce or eliminate the tissue vibration that can cause snoring.

The Pillar Procedure can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or used in combination with other treatments and lifestyle changes to help patients stop snoring. More than 30,000 people worldwide have been treated with the Pillar Procedure.

Pillar Procedure can also help Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a disorder characterized by interruptions and cessations in breathing during sleep, which can occur up to hundreds of times a night. Obstructive sleep apnea can be a complex condition. The Pillar Procedure can be an effective first step in your journey to a better night’s sleep.

Ask Dr. Fisher for more information on your snoring and sleep apnea issues.

Snoring Facts

If you sleep with one you probably already know that over 80% of snorers are unaware of their snoring. Snoring is a major cause of disrupted sleep, but often it’s the sleep of the person sleeping with the snorer that is most disrupted!

Interestingly over eighty percent of snorers do not even notice that they’re snoring, until it’s pointed out to them, and sleep comfortably uninterrupted by their own racket. Young children who snore often have tonsil or adenoid problems. Yet, studies show that as many as six percent of young children snore.

This treatment is for:

Nasal Breathing Problems

Sleep Disorders

I highly recommend Dr Fisher if you're looking for a physician. He is an excellent surgeon. My recovery for what I had done was hard and extensive. If you're in need of a septoplasty with functional rhinoplasty and have any desire to have cosmetic changes to your nose be sure to have that addressed. My breathing and quality of sleep is much improved. Overall I am very happy to breathe without difficulty.

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