Can the Latera implant be removed?

latera implants

The Latera implant is a viable solution for many who experience airway obstruction due to nasal valve collapse. It provides structural support to the cartilage inside your nose. For some considering the procedure, however, they may be wondering if the Latera implant can be removed once it’s inside your nose.

How does Latera work?

Nasal valve collapse is a condition that causes difficulty breathing due to the lack of support within the nasal structures. Latera implants are a way to provide structure. They are inserted into the nose in order to improve breathing by providing structure to the upper and lower cartilage in the lateral parts (sides) of the nose. They are fully bioabsorbable, and take about 18 months to be fully absorbed by the body. This means that in 18 months, none of the original implant is present within your nose. By the time this happens, the nose has built up a collagen matrix around the site of the implant, so the benefits last beyond the 18 months. The Latera implant does not change the overall look of the nose, and has a high success rate. 

Can the Latera implant be removed?

Some patients wonder whether the Latera implant can be removed once placed. The quick answer to this question is yes. It can be removed. Although the implant has a high success rate, there are some situations in which it may need to be removed. The circumstances under which the implant would need to be removed are very rare, but if needed, your ENT specialist can retrieve the implant from your nose. 

One situation in which the implant may need to be removed is due to rejection by the body. This is very rare with the Latera implant. However, sometimes the body has a reaction to the materials used within the implant. 

Another situation in which the implant may need to be removed is if the after-care instructions are not followed. After getting the implants, it’s important to avoid strenuous activity, rough manipulation of the nose, blowing the nose, and several other precautions. Doing any of these things during the recovery period given to you by your doctor carries with it the risk of bending or breaking the implant, or migration of the implant within the nose, which may lead to the implant needing to be removed. 

There is also the risk of infection as a possible side effect. In that case, your doctor will guide you as to the possible next steps. 

Latera implants are very safe and effective overall. As with any surgical procedure, the success of the procedure largely depends on getting the right doctor to perform the procedure. Dr. Edmund Fisher is a trusted ENT specialist well loved by his Bakersfield patients. 


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