How Can I Get Rid of My Double Chin?

double chin

Wondering how to reduce a double chin? A double chin changes a lot about your face. It affects your jawline, chin, and neck. Fortunately, there are several things that can be done to help, ranging from injections to surgery. Which method is best for you depends on factors such as the cause of the double chin and whether there are other concerns in the area like sagging or wrinkles. We’ll go over your options for getting rid of a double chin below. 


Kybella is an injectable treatment that reduces submental fat, the root cause of the double chin. The term submental refers to the area under the chin. Unfortunately, it’s a place where fat can collect easily, and it’s fairly stubborn. Kybella works by targeting fat cells under the chin using deoxycholic acid.

Radiofrequency treatment

Radiofrequency treatment like Profound RF can be used to tighten loose skin if that’s the cause of your double chin. This can help the overall appearance of your jawline and submental area. Radiofrequency treatment will not target any underlying submental fat, however. Sometimes this treatment can be combined with another treatment for a customized plan to get rid of a double chin. 


CoolSculpting is a form of cryotherapy that freezes fat. The cold temperature of the CoolSculpting device causes fat cells to die off, while other tissues remain unaffected. This procedure takes about 30 minutes and is non-invasive. 

Chin liposuction

This is a surgical procedure which involves suctioning out fat under the chin. This procedure typically only requires topical anesthesia and is a very effective method at targeting fat under the chin with immediate results and little downtime. Many also opt to extend the liposuction area to their jawline as well for a more contoured look.

Neck lift

If your double chin is caused by loose skin due to aging or weight loss, surgery is likely your best option and the one with which you’ll see the most improvement. A neck lift targets the neck, jawline, and chin areas. It can be combined with liposuction to specifically target excess fat in the area too. You will get a more sharpened jawline, reduced chin, and also a tighter, less wrinkled neck if applicable. 

Of course, the best way to get rid of a double chin varies from person to person. If you want a customized solution to your double chin, come see Dr. Edmund Fisher for a consultation where we can determine the best method for you based on your expectations and situation.

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