Rhinoplasty Recovery Guide

Over 200,000 rhinoplasties are performed each year in the U.S., according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. A rhinoplasty surgery, commonly known as a nose job, is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries there is. Not only can a rhinoplasty alter the way your nose looks, it can also change the way it functions and improve breathing. In determining if a rhinoplasty is right for you, one of the common questions potential patients have is about the recovery time and expectations.

What Can I Expect from a Rhinoplasty Procedure?

Nasal surgery is customized for the underlying problem and patient’s goals, and one of the reasons that many patients choose to undergo a rhinoplasty is to improve breathing through the nose. Sometimes nasal obstruction can cause breathing troubles and contribute to issues such as snoring and sleep apnea. With a nasal obstruction that disrupts breathing, some people might also experience problems with trying to breath while exercising and disturbed sleep. A rhinoplasty is different than surgery for a deviated septum. The septum is the wall of cartilage that divides the left and right sides of the nose. A procedure called a septoplasty can fix the deviated septum, but if the deviation is severe enough, a rhinoplasty might be done to address this issue and improve the patient’s breathing. When done for medical purposes such as breathing improvement, a functional rhinoplasty procedure may be covered by health insurance.

Cosmetic changes to the nose with a rhinoplasty are not covered by health insurance. Frequently, patients choose to combine a functional rhinoplasty to address breathing problems with a cosmetic rhinoplasty to address appearance so that there is only one recovery.

Here is what to expect from a rhinoplasty. Remember, because each surgery is customized for the patient and their needs, the procedure might vary.

1. First, you will be put under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.

2. The surgeon will make a small incision at the base of the nose and inside the nose. These incisions give the surgeon access to the cartilage and bones of the nose without leaving any scarring on the outside of the nose.

3. Through these incisions, the surgeon can make small adjustments to the bone and cartilage. These adjustments—often only millimeters—will change and improve nasal function.

Generally, after the procedure, patients go home that same day.

Recovery from a Rhinoplasty

Nose surgery recovery time depends on the extent and specifics of each surgery. For example, most rhinoplasties leave the nasal bones intact, but if a patient has had significant trauma to the nose, the bones in the nose can be shifted around during surgery to give a more favorable appearance and functional nose. In most cases, however, a rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, and patients return home that day to rest and recover.

It is recommended to take 2weeks off from work or school in order to rest. To ensure a healthy recovery, you should ice your nose to reduce swelling and follow directions to clean the nose. Your doctor may prescribe pain medications to help you deal with any pain after the surgery, but these should only be needed for a few days.

During your recovery, you might find breathing through the nose difficult as your nose will have splints placed inside. You can expect swelling during this first week, which ice can help treat. Your doctor will likely recommend you wear a cast on your nose to minimize swelling and to protect the nose after the procedure. You might also notice bruising on your face and under the eyes. During this week, you should take extra care to rest and avoid strenuous activity.

A week after your nose surgery, your doctor will remove the nose splints and the casts. At that point, you can return to work and resume light exercise. It is recommended to avoid more strenuous activities for another week.

Full healing may take up to a year, but you will likely heal very quickly during your first month after the surgery and start experiencing the benefits such as a more favorable nasal appearance and improved breathing within two weeks.

The Benefits of a Sinus Cleanser

Sinus problems affect a large portion of the population in the US and can lead to congestion, a runny itchy nose, difficult breathing, headaches, and even facial pain. Environmental factors can trigger these symptoms and cause them to worsen. Oftentimes, however, a good sinus cleanser can clear out and detach environmental microbes and more from the sinus cavities. Sinus irrigation is a safe and simple solution for sinus irritation and congestion that you can do right at home.

Sinus Cleanser Benefits

An easy home solution to rinse out the sinuses is with a saline or saltwater rinse. This can help keep mucus membranes moist and wash away allergens, environmental microbes, pet dander, mites, and more. A neti pot is a device that is commonly used to rinse the nasal cavities, but squeeze bottles, bulb syringes, and sprays also work well.

A saltwater sinus flush is an easy remedy that one can do right at home, but sometimes just a saline irrigation isn’t quite enough to clear out nasal irritants. A sinus cleanser like Allercleanse  can help detach allergens, pet dander or mites providing a more thorough cleaning than a simple saline rinse. Allercleanse is billed as a super cleanser, meaning that it works very effectively to remove mucus and other nasal debris. After using a sinus cleanser, you might experience feelings of rawness or sensitivity in the nose, which is normal. It might sting a little bit and cause you to sneeze a few times after use, which helps dislodge and remove nasal debris.

Sinus cleanser uses include treatment for:

·  Acute sinusitis

·  Chronic sinusitis

·  Allergies

If you opt to use a sinus cleanser such as Allercleanse, be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. You can spray 1-2 pumps up to three times a day, though it is recommended to take a break on the fourth day to allow the tissues to recover.

For a sinus flush, it is generally fine to do it occasionally if you are suffering from a bout of congestion due to a cold or from allergies. With a milder saline rinse, it is recommended to do only when you have symptoms. Everyday use is generally not recommended by doctors as it may inadvertently wash away part of the mucous membrane that lines and protects the nasal passages and sinuses. If you make your saltwater solution yourself, be sure to use warm, sterile water and wash hands frequently to lessen the risk of infection.

If your sinus symptoms do not improve after 10 days or worse, it is best to see a doctor as this could be a sign of a more serious infection that requires a prescription.  If you experience a fever, bloody nasal discharge, or wheezing, it is also recommended to see a doctor.


What You Need to Know About Rhinoplasty

Among cosmetic surgeries performed in the U.S., rhinoplasty is one of the most common. Rhinoplasty is a procedure that changes the shape of the nose. People who feel uncomfortable with their nose’s appearance may choose to undergo a rhinoplasty procedure, but rhinoplasty can be used to improve breathing as well. Rhinoplasty is a safe and effective surgery to change the size, shape, or proportions of the nose, improve a patient’s breathing, or both. Although the changes made during a rhinoplasty are very small, it is a challenging operation. Small changes in the nose can make a big difference in its appearance and function, so it is important to research your surgeon ahead of time and go with someone who is experienced in the procedure.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

In a rhinoplasty surgery, bone, cartilage, and skin can be altered. The upper structure of the nose is bone and the lower part is cartilage, so there are a few options for what can be changed in a rhinoplasty, depending on the patient’s goals. Rhinoplasty costs depend on a few factors. Depending on the policy, your medical insurance may cover the cost of the procedure, but coverage is not necessarily guaranteed. Sometimes insurance will pay for part of the surgery but not other parts, so it’s always best to reach out ahead of time and get a quote for the operation so that you are not caught off guard by surprise costs.

If you do choose to have a rhinoplasty, here is what you can expect. First, your doctor will talk with you about your goals for the procedure and conduct a physical exam of your face, including the inside and outside of the nose to figure out what changes to make and how your facial and nasal anatomy might affect the procedure. Using photographs, your doctor can put together before-and-after references to aid in the discussion of your goals.

Because rhinoplasty is unique to each patient, there is no set series of steps for the procedure. Each surgery is customized to the patient and their goals. The procedure may be performed inside the nose or through a small incision between the nostrils so that the cartilage and bone can be adjusted under the skin with very minimal visible scarring.

The Risks and Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty risks are usually minimal, and complications are rare. The most common risks include numbness around the nose, swelling, pain, discoloration and bruising, and difficulty breathing. After the surgery you might experience some bleeding and drainage from the nose, which is normal. Healing after surgery is dependent on patient aftercare and so can be a bit unpredictable. Because of this, rhinoplasty typically has a 10-15% chance of revision surgery. Usually this can be done in the office under local anesthesia, but it occasionally requires undergoing general anesthesia again.

Rhinoplasty before-and-after photos usually show amazing results. After surgery there will be some swelling, which can take a few weeks to look better than before surgery  and at least a year  to resolve. Very small changes to the structure of your nose can make a huge difference in its appearance and function.

If you are interested in changing the shape of your nose or improving your breathing, talk to your doctor about whether it is a good option for you. A trusted surgeon can walk you through what to expect from the procedure and help you to make an informed decision.

Are you a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty?

Sinusitis is one of the most common health problems in the U.S. Chronic or recurrent sinusitis can cause frustrating symptoms that negatively affect your quality of life. Treatments such as antibiotic therapies and sinus sprays can be ineffective or feel like a never-ending cycle of doctor’s appointments and pharmacy purchases. Balloon sinuplasty is one of the most common sinus surgeries in the country for good reason: It’s safe, minimally invasive, and effective in treating chronic rhinosinusitis. Balloon sinuplasty opens up blocked and inflamed sinus cavities with a dilating balloon, promoting healing and allowing the passageways to drain. Because the procedure does not involve tissue removal, it can be performed in the office using a local anesthetic. Any bleeding during this low-risk yet highly effective procedure is usually minimal.

What is a balloon sinuplasty?

Rhinosinusitis is a condition in which the nasal linings have become inflamed. This can cause blockage of sinus openings and impede normal mucus drainage. This leads to recurrent sinus infections and frustrating symptoms that may include pain.

You might be a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty if you suffer from chronic or recurrent sinus infections. The goal of the procedure is to expand the openings of the sinuses so they can drain and heal. Balloon sinuplasty is a great option for people whose symptoms or inflammation do not respond to medication or other treatments.

Here is what you can expect during the procedure:

1. Your doctor will administer local anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

2. A thin tube and an endoscope allowing your doctor to see will be inserted into your nose. A small balloon on one end of the tube will be guided into your sinus cavity.

3. As your doctor inflates the balloon in your sinus, the passageway can clear out and your sinuses can drain. The inflation of the balloon restructures and widens the walls of the nasal passageway.

4. A saline rinse may be used to flush your sinuses out, removing mucus and debris.

5. The device will be removed, leaving your sinuses clear and open. 

6. Your doctor will inspect the sinus and the opening.

Unlike in a traditional sinus surgery, no bones or tissue are removed from the nose during a balloon sinuplasty; therefore, most patients can resume their regular activities the following day and expect a quick recovery. Significant improvements are generally reported after the procedure.


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