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Endoscopic Sinus and Polyp Surgery

An endoscopic sinus surgery or nasal polyps surgery is a common nasal procedure. A functional endoscopic sinus surgery, also known as a nasal polyps surgery, can provide dramatic results. Check out our endoscopic sinus surgery before and after testimonials. The endoscopic sinus surgery procedure, or simply the nose polyps surgery, is one form of nasal polyp removal surgery.

The surgery to remove polyps can have amazing results. Sinus polyp surgery can be very impactful on a patient’s life. The endoscopic sinus surgery recovery time is minimal. Nasal polyp surgery recovery is done at home and is minimally invasive normally.

If you’re considering polyp removal surgery, contact Dr. Fisher for a nasal polyp surgery consultation.

This treatment is for:

Frequent Sinusitis

Nasal Breathing Problems

Nasal Congestion

Sinus Headache

Sinus Pressure

I highly recommend Dr Fisher if you're looking for a physician. He is an excellent surgeon. My recovery for what I had done was hard and extensive. If you're in need of a septoplasty with functional rhinoplasty and have any desire to have cosmetic changes to your nose be sure to have that addressed. My breathing and quality of sleep is much improved. Overall I am very happy to breathe without difficulty.