Before And After A Facelift: How To Prepare And What To Expect

Facelift before and after

If you’re considering a facelift, you’ve likely done a lot of research on how the actual procedure goes, but you may not know as much about the before and after. The before and after periods are just as important to know about. Read on to find out our top facelift before and after tips.

What to do before your facelift

There are some things you’ll need to know before you go into your facelift. These can make your recovery easier and help you go into your facelift more prepared, therefore reducing the chance of complications during and after the procedure.


DO conduct lots of research! Look at before and after facelift photos and learn as much as you can about the procedure so that when you go in for your consultation, you can ask informed questions. You also want to be sure that your doctor is a good one, so look up before and after photos of facelifts that they have performed and read reviews about them.

DO inform your doctor of any medications you’re taking before your facelift surgery, including herbal supplements. Your doctor can help you determine whether any need to be paused beforehand. One example of a common medication that needs to be put on pause before any surgery is blood thinners. These can cause complications during and after surgery (excessive bleeding and difficulty healing). 

DO plan your recovery environment ahead of time. To have an easy, comfortable recovery, it’s essential to plan ahead and have a comfortable space prepared, with calm, quiet things to do to ensure you can rest and allow your body to heal. Prepare ahead with activities you can do while relaxing and get plenty of pillows in a comfortable space for reclining. Be sure to also have a meal plan (whether that’s microwaveable meals or ordering out those first few days). 


-DON’T smoke for one week before your procedure. 

DON’T eat after midnight the night before your facelift. As with any surgical procedure for which you’ll undergo general anesthesia, it’s essential not to eat after midnight (or whatever time your doctor tells you). 

What to do after your facelift

Good aftercare is essential and can mean the difference between a hard recovery or a relatively easy one. Not following aftercare tips can result in complications, so follow these guidelines as well as all aftercare rules given to you by your doctor.


DO wear button-down shirts and pajamas to ensure you don’t disturb the surgical site.

DO keep up with any medications your doctor has prescribed.

DO keep your head elevated. When sleeping, use several pillows to keep your head up. Use ice packs as needed for swelling. 

DO ask your doctor at your follow-up appointment what they recommend you do to maintain your newly rejuvenated face. Your doctor may recommend special creams or another procedure to help maximize the effects of your facelift. 


DON’T do any heavy lifting or physically exert yourself for the first week after your procedure (or for the time period your doctor recommends). 

DON’T participate in any form of exercise for two weeks after your facelift. 

DON’T expect results right away! Major surgery on the face can produce swelling, bruising, and even lumps on the face. After the swelling goes down, you may see some wrinkles show up as the skin needs some time to heal and settle on its final, more youthful look. Give it some time, and remember that as the days and weeks go by, it will look better and better!Of course, it’s important to note that your doctor’s instructions should be followed, and if they advise something different (depending on how your surgery went, your particular circumstances, whether you had other procedures at the same time, or their own rules based on their experience), you should follow what your surgeon tells you to do. These are just general guidelines to help you understand what is involved before and after your facelift.

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